Planning Board

Planning Board Home

The powers and duties of the Planning Board are defined by state and local codes.  The state's Town Law authorizes the creation of the planning board and describes its roles.  Comprehensive or master plans and the open space index provide inputs to Board considerations.  Policies that influence planning are implemented at three levels within Lewisboro:

  • The Town Board approves laws that set planning policy.
  • The Planning Board assists in the formulation of and carrying out of the Town policy.
  • The Zoning Board of Appeals may grant variances from the Town’s Zoning Ordinance.

The primary functions of the Planning Board:

  • Review, refer and hold public hearings as appropriate to approve, modify, or deny per the Town Code (
    • site plan applications;
    • subdivision applications;
    • wetland applications when activity is proposed within wetlands or wetland buffers; and
    • stormwater permit applications, required when proposed activities will disturb more than 5,000 sq ft.
  • Implement New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) regulations.
  • Adjudicate wetland violations, including actions where civil penalties (fines) may be levied.
  • Provide recommendations to the Town Board and Zoning Board of Appeals on referred actions before those boards, i.e. zoning changes and use variances.
  • Participate in master plan or comprehensive plan preparation, analysis and reviews.
  • Other actions as directed by the Town Board.

An environmental questionnaire 2019_town_of_lewisboro_environmental_questionnaire_2019_fillable.pdf should be completed before initial submission.

Submission - initially bringing application town_of_lewisboro_planning_board_application_fillable_2019.pdf before the Board - needs additional time for review

Resubmission - for changes or additions after the initial Board review

Consultants and, often, the CAC ( will review applicant submissions and write memos with application assessments and recommendations.  These memos are included in the agenda packet and are available to Planning Board memebers, applicants and members of the public.