Frequently Asked Questions


An updated Comprehensive Plan will –

  • Communicate the Town’s vision for: 
    • Development
    • Capital improvements/projects
    • Land preservation
    • Government structure & services
    • Technology & infrastructure
  • Provide a roadmap to make this vision a reality: 
    • Policy recommendations
    • Updated zoning code recommendations
    • Priorities for implementation
  • Guide local decision makers for the next 10 – 20 years (or more)

Why is inclusive and wide-reaching public participation so important?

  • We want true representation of the people who live and work in Lewisboro
  • We want people to see their ideas in the Plan and feel connected to it
  • Developing the Plan is an investment in the future of Lewisboro

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan, also known as a general plan, master plan or land use plan, is designed to guide the future actions of a town, city or county. It presents a vision with long-range goals and objectives for all activities that affect the local government. It is a document by the people, for the current and future betterment of people who live and work in Lewisboro.

The Town of Lewisboro appointed a Steering Committee to implement a process to update the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The Town’s current Plan was created in 1985 and last reviewed in 1999. View the current Master Plan here.

New York State Town Law, Section 272-A guides our understanding of Comprehensive Planning (learn more about the Law here).

Town residents will have many opportunities to participate. Near the end of this process, the Steering Committee will make recommendations to the Town Board, which has the ultimate authority to adopt a new Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, we can expect that some community issues may be worthy of additional study. Oftentimes, the Comprehensive Plan process leads to additional plans for specific geographical areas, or for specific community needs.

Want to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan Project?

Watch our project update video!  It's 34 minutes and shares everything you need to know about WHY we're updating the Comprehensive Plan and HOW you can get involved!  Closed captioning and translation available via YouTube.

How can I get involved?

The process is open to anyone who lives or works in Lewisboro.

The Steering Committee’s page on the Town website is the best place to find the most up to date information about the process: Steering Committee

You can also Follow us on Facebook.

Want to be added to our Constant Contact e-mailing list? Have any questions? Please contact us at steering [at] ().

What about my business, community organization or association? How can we participate?

Although the process will be designed to solicit feedback directly from individuals, we will be relying on community groups and businesses to help us get the word out about events and other opportunities to participate.

In the Community Outreach & Engagement section of our website, you can find our working plan for engaging the Lewisboro community, which includes as Appendix A, the working list of local stakeholder groups and businesses.

Please send us an email at steering [at] () if you do not see your community organization/association/group or business listed as a stakeholder – we need your help to make sure we have a complete list and have current email addresses!

Who is the Planning Consultant?

Nelson Pope and Voorhis (NPV) was hired by the Town Board to act as the Planning Consultant to the Comprehensive Plan Update Project. NPV translates the public input into actionable goals, objectives, and recommendations. NPV also drafts the updated Comprehensive Plan and Zoning amendments, along with the Inventory & Analysis Report.

NPV will help guide the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee through the Comprehensive Plan process and ensure the Steering Committee has the information and resources necessary for its discussions and deliberations.

What is the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee?

The Town of Lewisboro created a Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee to oversee the Comprehensive Plan Update process. The Committee’s primary role is to manage the multi-year process, including the community outreach and engagement, and to ensure public input is as inclusive and wide-reaching as possible. The Committee makes recommendations to the Town Board, which is the ultimate decision-maker on the project and the final Comprehensive Plan.

The Steering Committee consists of five members. In addition, two members of the Town Board act as liaisons to the Committee.

What are the Community Outreach Teams?

Outreach Teams are made up of volunteers who want to help spread the word about public meetings and ensure that as many people (who live or work in Lewisboro) as possible participate in this important process.

We are relying on residents, community groups/organizations, and businesses to help get the word out about events and other opportunities to participate.

Want to join a Community Outreach Team? Please contact us at steering [at] ().